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Sat. April 10th & Sun. April 11th, 2021

Total of 868 Johnson Johnson (Janssen) vaccines were distributed to the community over the 2 day weekend.

***More Information about the vaccine is available here: Johnson Johnson Vaccine Fact Information.

This Community Vaccination Event was the collaboration between Auro Pharmacy and Open Eyes Beyond Border (OEBB) to help facilitate the delivery of vaccines to more families. Helping community achieve "Herd Immunity', We especially help seniors and families who are from economic disadvantage areas.


Covid-19 vaccination is open for all adults (18 years and older) with extra priority consideration for Seniors and Adults with chronic health conditions. 

At this time, we do not have any new registration.  Please contact local pharmacy for any vaccination question. 

Again, we sincerely thank AuroPharmacy, healthcare professionals and volunteers for the support and care to the well-being of the community.

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